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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4 months old

This is much more for me than for anyone reading this, so feel free to stop now and come back another day when I have some cute pictures to share or something.

You know how as people have more kids they get more relaxed about things? For example, child #1 goes to bed at exactly 7pm every night, and no ... We cannot go out to dinner because he'll miss bedtime. (ok, so maybe I wasn't that bad, but close) but with child #2 it's more like ... Oh gosh, it's 9pm, we need to get him in bed. Ethan doesn't actually stay up until 9pm, but you get the idea.

Well, with Caleb I bought a baby book months before he was born, began filling it out with everything I could, and continued to fill in information monthly. What he was doing at what age, when he got vaccines, his height and weight, etc.

I finally got Ethan a baby book a few weeks ago. That's not even true. My sister bought Ethan a baby book because she couldn't stand the thought of him not having one. (thanks Rachel!!) Thankfully I've pretty much kept up with stuff on this blog, so even though I'm getting a late start, I have all the information, or at least most of it.

All that to say, Ethan is 4 months old now, which is crazy. Before I know it, he'll be turning 1. Anyways, he's 4 months old and had his doctor's appointment yesterday. He jumped up on his growth chart, at least for weight, and is now in the 25th(ish)percentile, weighing 14lbs. He's still around the 10th percentile for height at 24 inches.

He got 3 vaccines. That's the part I hate. He sits there smiling at the nurse, happy as can be and then he gets stuck and its like, 'hey, you people tricked me!' But he was such a big boy. Literally only cried for about 10 seconds and then he was over it.

So there you go, boring I know, but its information I need to record for myself. If you're still reading this, then you are either my mom, my sister or a true friend, thanks!

I'll try to take/post some new pictures of my little men tomorrow, but no promises :)


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