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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So busy...

There are several reasons why I haven't blogged much lately. Things have been so busy around here. Christmas music at church takes up a huge part of my life in the month of December. We have our annual service of Lessons and Carols, children's choir programs, and special music throughout the month.

It was such a blessing to participate in the service of Lessons and Carols this year. We sang some beautiful music and it always gets me really thinking about why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. I know alot of people got the chance to attend, but if you missed it and you want to hear some great music, you can tune into WKNO - FM 91.1 on December 22 at noon and the catch the whole thing.

We've also all been sick around here. Thankfully after several days of just hanging out at home everyone is on the mend and feeling much better, and I'm so glad it was several weeks before Christmas that they whole family got sick and not the the week of.

Throw in decorating for Christmas, shopping for gifts and planning Ethan's first birthday party, and maybe you understand why my blog has been neglected for the past few weeks. But, Ethan's birthday party is this weekend and you can bet there will be a full post and pictures documenting the whole thing. I can't believe my baby is already turning one!!

PS- While you wouldn't be able to tell based on today's temperatures ( I think it was like 70 degrees), we did get some snow last week. Caleb had a blast playing in what little was left by the time we made it outside mid-morning.


lexie johnston said...

love the boyz playing together!!!! need a post/ review on the hunger games!!! jk... sorta!

Elaine Clowers said...

Don't tempt me, Lex ;)

lexie johnston said...

no i really want you to write a review... you know, in all your free time!!!

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