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Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Birthday Letter

Today you are 2 years old. You aren't the little baby that I brought home from the hospital 2 years ago anymore, but a little boy. A little boy full of personality. A little boy that makes me laugh and smile every single day.

You have such a sweet spirit, a spirit that I know has nothing to do with my parenting, but has to do with a faithful and loving heavenly Father, who is already molding you into one of His children. You may not realize it yet, but He loves you so much more than your Daddy and I ever could, and we love you tons!

It makes me so happy to see how sweet you are to your baby brother, to see you bring him a bottle when he's crying, even if it is a bottle that is empty and has been sitting on the coffee table all morning, I know you are trying to be Mama's big helper.

I love your silliness, and I cherish it because I know that at some point you'll outgrow running around the room making silly faces and noises. I love how you are so dramatic. A slight bump as I walk past sends you falling to the floor saying, "Whooooooa".

You want kisses on all of your "boo-boos", you love your bunny (or buh, as you call him). And that paci ... I don't know how we'll ever get rid of it. But for now, I love it. You like praying before meals and before bedtime, and you fold your little hands and sit quietly while Daddy and I talk to God. You love your new puppy and love it when she chases you. You want to be just like daddy, carrying your wallet and cell phone, blowing your duck call, and driving a truck. You love trains and we watch for them out the window of the car, whether there's a train track nearby or not. You love being outside and finding bugs, and you call them all bees. You love singing and playing music, especially with the Wii guitar. You ask me to sing to you every night before bed and for months and months you've wanted the "Big Bird" song, which has nothing to do with Big Bird, but you heard it on Sesame Street so, to you, it's the "Big Bird" song.

You are a complete joy and I thank God every day that you are a part of our family. I love you so much!

Happy Birthday Big Boy!!



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