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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Ethan

One year ago today, I got to meet my sweet Ethan for the first time. He was so little and absolutely adorable. And now I have this not so little but still very adorable little guy.

Ethan is my serious man. While Caleb loves attention and can be on the goofy side, Ethan is more subdued. He has this very serious look about him alot of the time, like he's thinking really hard about something...maybe he is. But boy does he have a smile, and he's not afraid to share it. If you can get him to drop the serious stare then you get to see a big ' ole smile...with 2 teeth. He got his first two teeth a couple of months ago and hasn't gotten any since. Not that it's slowed him down at all in the eating department.

I love the way he looks up to his big brother. Nothing could make him happier than going into Caleb's room to wake him up in the mornings. He gets so excited! And they love to play together. Caleb is so sweet to him and gets him toys to play with. I very often hear , " come on, e-e" as Caleb heads back to his room to play.

Now for a few facts about Ethan at 1 year old:

*He has 2 teeth.

*He weighs in at almost 22 lbs and is 29.25 inches long. Both of my boys are on the short side...which they get from me.

*He sleeps 12 hours at night but still occasionally wakes up around the 10 hour mark asking for a bottle...then he goes right back to sleep.

*He says Mama, Ba (bottle), bye bye, uh oh, and makes tons of other noises.

*While he is more serious than Caleb, he is also much louder than Caleb. I think it's because he has to compete for the attention around here.

*He's not walking yet unless you count maneuvering around all the furniture in our house.

*He's got straight, very light blonde hair. And he needs a haircut badly.

*The boy loves to dance, if you wanna call it that. He just kind of bobs his head and moves his body to the music.

*I know I've mentioned that he's loud but unless you've spent alot of time with him you probably wouldn't believe me. Very often in our car, you'll hear me or Charles, or even Caleb, saying "Ethan, hush!" You can't hear music or have a conversation when he's busy making noise, and it's not crying or fussing, it's just yelling, and it's loud!

I can't believe how big you've gotten. I remember bringing you home from the hospital thinking you were so tiny because you were alot smaller than your big brother was when he was born. But you've caught up. You are now bigger than he was when he was your age.
You are so happy and smile all the time. I love your smile, it just melts me, with those 2 little teeth and those big blue eyes. You love your big brother so much and he loves you too. I just know that y'all are going to be best buddies as you get older.
Your daddy and I are so proud of the sweet boy you are. You've got alot of personality and we love seeing it more and more every day. I'm so blessed to get to be your Mama.

Happy 1st Birthday Baby!

I love you,


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